
日記ですな。私が生きた証。 私が自ら作り上げていく人生。 第3幕。

(I hope) Everything is gonna be alright

The first school day came to me. There were much more Japanese than I expected. I don't know whether changing the exchange rate caused it or not.

I took a writing test and speaking test. Then, my class is going to be a pre-advance Although I don't know that I can follow the class, I will do my best because I will stay in Canada only for 3 weeks. Challenge is needed if you can do anything seriously.

I made friends with some Korean. What I laughed at was the name of waseda was valid to Korean. They didin't know the university without tokyo univ. and waseda univ. And they got over the military service. They have experienced shooting or throwing a bomb.

And I talked with Brazilian in class. I was surprised at his thoght. When we were discuss the advice to the person who was suffered from elaborate curse by a gypsy. Then he said "kill the gypsy". I feared that slightly. I recognized again that each person from all over the world(or not) thinks differently.

I came accros the Japanese speaking Japanese. I wouldn't be like that. Thanks to that, I couldn't speak to Japanese.

Anyway, I will do my best hoping everything is gonna be alright. Thank you Nosuke San!

If you(to everybody watching this blog) can, please leave a comment.

To tell the truth, it encourages me so much.

See you.

I was surprised at changing this blog to keep up with the iPod too.